SketchUp to BIM | Model Once Not Twice
Date(s) - 01/13/2021
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm
Are you building two models? First creating a design model in SketchUp then re-building the model for BIM.
Join this BIM in 30 Minutes webinar by ARCHVISTA CONSULTING to discover how to Model Once. You’ll uncover that designing in ARCHICAD with a SketchUp style workflow maintains the model integrity and contains valuable building information that is carried through the entire design and documentation process. You’ll learn how to:
- Use BIM as a design tool similar to SketchUp.
- Use SketchUp style commands, such as Push Pull and Follow Me, in a BIM solution.
- Avoid lost time and money rebuilding SketchUp models when transitioning to BIM.
ARCHVISTA CONSULTING clients start in ARCHICAD at the beginning of design and seamlessly move into construction documents without rebuilding the model. Stefan Hampden of CAST Architecture in Seattle recently commented that “they used to use SketchUp a lot more in early design but find they need it less and less” when using ARCHICAD.
To learn more or register click here.